Monday, November 26, 2007

Day 2 I started my new career search by identifying my transferable skills

The first thing I did to find work in a new career was identify my transferable skills. Over the years I have taken several types of skill and personality assessments-DISC, Myers-Briggs, Strengthfinder 2.0 and so forth. They are all good and helpful tools. They confirmed and clarified what I saw in myself and what friends and co-workers observed in me.

There was a second benefit to taking standardized assessment tests. It allowed me to describe myself in terms that employers understood since they were familiar with the same assessments.

Knowing my skill sets helped me decide what success stories to put in my resume. Over time I learned that employers are looking for more than a list of skill sets in a resume. They wanted to see how I put those skill sets to work to achieve results.

Looking back after a year's time, I did the right thing by identifying my transferable skills early in the process of making a career transition.

1 comment:

Sean Harry said...

You are so right, Gary. Once we identify the key skills we can and wish to use in our next career, we are on the way to finding the right fit!

Sean Harry,
Career Management Solutions